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Run forest run


Ok so I feel I should start by saying that the pictures I've used on this post are me before the festive season. I wasn't quite brave enough to photograph the few extra pounds I've gained this holiday so instead am looking at the aspirational place I want to be again. When I have a little break I realise how much I liked my figure before and I know that I can get back there by laying off the mince pies (and red wine) for a little bit. I'm the worst for complaining when I've treated myself but we all need to remember we should all have cheat days (/weeks) we deserve it!


I started the gym last feb and, without sounding like a cliche, it definitely changed my life a little. I've always tired to keep fit and eat healthily but starting regular excerise showed me how much stronger I could feel and how much a 30 minute run can clear your head. I stopped the gym a few months to save a bit of money and instead started running regularly each week and doing yoga and muscle work at home. I don't miss the gym any more as I realised that running in the air made me feel more free and instantly energised, even though admittedly I do sometimes cringe at how, quite frankly, stupid I look (like I'm constantly running for a bus)


I'm a vegetarian for my morals, but I also think I feel healthier not eating meat, but I'm not silly though I know we need a balanaced diet so I make sure I get all my nutirents. As I've mentioned before I'm not a very practiced cook, I'm quite lazy, but I do eat a good balanced diet with all of the food groups. I realise that you need to fuel your body with good foods to help it function when you work out and burn energy effectively. My diet is a lot better than it ever has been, as at uni I did enjoy all the snack foods and take aways. Nowadays in the week I eat well and then treat myself at the weekend (but everything in moderation as always.)


Diet tips I swear by... 


Water, water and more water. I drink around at least 2 litres a day

Lots of fruit, vegetables and salad (need I say more?)

Eggs - I'm slightly strange and can only eat them scrambled but eggs are very high in protein and good fat

Quorn - hooray for quorn making vegetarian meals less boring and for its high protein content (and no it doesn't have meat in it, don't believe what you've heard.)

Avocado - all the good fat and yummy (I'm slightly obsessed)

It's ok to have a cheat day.... chocolate, wine, crisps - have whatever makes you happy

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