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The Christmas lights in London are one of my favourite things about this city at this time of year, so I'm really glad that I got to see them along Oxford Street one more time before they get taken down. My boyfriend met my mum for the first time today (eek... But panic over they love each other phew,) so we went in to Selfridges to drink champagne at Hix (hic) and then stuff ourselves with beautiful food in Cote within St Christopher's Place.


Although the weather has all of a sudden taken a colder turn I still wanted to wear my pretty lace dress from Closet London today, so paired it with a black woollen jumper as I'm a one for layering. I was given this jumper by my aunty a couple of years ago and still can't believe she found it in a charity shop as it's now one of my favourites. It has bat wings which feel really comfortable and stylish all at the same time! My boots are my new loves from M&S in the sale (I was so lucky they were the last pair in my size!)

So remember a simple sweater, tights and boots can make it less scary to wear lace in the colder months. (And if you haven't been to see the lights along Oxford Street go before they are gone!)

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