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I'm not one for all that new year new me stuff really, but each year I like to see how much I've grown and what's changed within twelve months (which pass by seemingly faster each time.) It's quite scary to see how much things can change in a year, but I can safely say that 2015 has been an awesome one.


I promised myself that I would start a blog in the new year, so here it is. My very own space for ramblings. For me New Years resolutions seem to be a list of challenges we set ourselves to then feel critical towards not achieving them. It's more than likely that I won't not eat a cookie ever again so I won't set the impossible to fail. I will just promise achievable things that will make me happy.


In 2016 I will aim to...


Keep this up! Note to self: don't forget how much you love writing Learn to cook properly so that I can actually make a grown up meal like an adult

Continue eating healthily, it's good for my body and my soul...

But will not feel guilt when I have a cheat day (and wine)

Take time to appreciate life and the special moments and people within it more

Keep up the running even if it kills me

Squat every day

Not get stressed about silly little things

Meditate every Wednesday (and start practicing at home)

See more of the world


This year hasn't always been easy but everything that happened did for a reason which has helped me grow into the woman I am today, and looking back I have enjoyed every minute of it. So, with that in mind I'm excited so see what the new year will bring. Happy new year everyone! Let's get drunk.

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