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There is a new trend of pills that is about to come out in full force, and they are a little bit more luxurious than the medicinal variety – introducing the beauty treatments that you will have to swallow. These tablets are predicted to add ease to our beauty routines, with some that will even be able to add an SPF barrier to your skin. They are packed full of a cocktail of different nutrients that have been proven to improve your skin's elasticity and glow, make your hair shine and strengthen nails. Do you want fuller hair which has a long lasting shine that shampoo just can't seem to manage? Are you dreaming of getting rid of the worsening dark circles under your eyes that don't seem to be getting better even with a solid 8 hours of sleep each night? These pills are meant to be the answer to all of your prayers.


This new wave of supplements supposedly goes beyond what the basic multivitamin can do as they contain collagens and hyaluronic acids which target the area of the body specifically that they are meant to help. London’s Stylist magazine recently wrote an article on these supplements and they were tried and tested by some of their team. The Collagen Renew tablet was tested by Stylist’s content solutions manager, Sarah Crowley, who stated that her wrinkles were reduced up to 25% after the 14 week treatment cycle. The fashion director, Kitty McGee, found that the H30 Night Repair gave her skin a more even tone and reduced wrinkles and redness. These products could change the future of anti-ageing. The Stylist team did state that a lot of the products, however, did leave them “underwhelmed.”


The prediction of the trend forecasters on this subject is that by 2020 the money spent on popping these pills will double to a whopping £5 billion. There are results to show that they do work however, as with most new-age treatments, these tablets are not cheap, ranging from £45 - £150 a month. The one of payment each month gets you enough for a 4 week dosage taking 2-3 tablets a day. Personally to me that seems quite a lot to spend each month for the rest of time. Because, that's the one problem once you start, when do you stop? If you do does your newly elasticised skin start sagging immediately? Does it stop your hair falling out when you take them and then when you stop it might all start coming out in chunks? It may sound ridiculous, but these are questions that I would want to be answered before I started taking anything like this.


One question that immediately comes to my head is how do you know if these concoctions are actually healthy for you? They don't come without their side effects; one product Tricho Complex Hair Nutrition Formula can make you feel queasy because it contains 100% of the iron intake that we are meant to take daily. You have to take this variety of tablet 3 times a day so surely if you are taking 3 times the recommended dosage pf iron that can't be good for you? Too much iron in the blood can cause poisoning so you’d have to be careful consuming anything else with the vitamin in it as well as the Tricho Complex Hair Nutrition Formula; however it did show a 35% increase of fullness in the hair of Stylist’s art director, Natasha Tomalin, who tried and tested it.


All of this aside though, the benefits of this impending new beauty regime could be huge for people in real need of their services, which go past those of a simply aesthetic variety. Women’s Max Strength Supplements are said to make your hair fuller and reduce hair shedding by 18%, which could aid the regrowth of hair for people who have undergone chemotherapy or who suffer from alopecia. (However this strain of tablet supposedly tastes like oranges and rotting fish so that will need to be improved.) With everything developing at such a fast rate nowadays though it can’t be contested that in the future the limits for these kinds of pills could have no bounds.


I have tried to not look at this new trend with a biased view, but it's quite hard for me seeing as I try hard to not even take a paracetamol unless I feel like I'm on death's door. When deciding my opinion on these pills the goodness and nutrients that we can get from the food and drink we intake comes to the forefront of my mind. It can't be contested that the development of technology and medicines is moving forward in leaps and bounds, but you still can't always be sure that what is put in front of you in a packet is going to help you in the long term. However, just because I may not want to take them myself doesn't mean that you can't. Who knows, I might change my mind in the future once I've seen the wonders that these pills can supposedly do.

Just Like a Pill
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